Episode 31: 6 ways to Reach and Stay in Higher vibrations so you Can Create and Unleash Magic in Your Life.

It’s easy to activate new frequencies in your body and go really high, fast but its way harder to stay there.

When I first started doing energy work I would experience blissful expansive states then crash back down when it came back to operating in the 3d world creating up and down vibration which resulted in up and down manifestations.

 When people piss you off, contrast happens, natural ebbs and flows occur staying in these frequencies can be tricky. 

Today I share 6 ways I've learned how to STAY in higher flows of energy so you feel more harmonious and create magic in your life.

Yesterday (Episode 30) if you missed it, I shared how to activate higher frequencies in your body in 2 minutes, so check that out 

You can listen to today’s episode on Apple Spotify or down below

Emily xx

Vibrate Higher Free Course >> https://www.emilyjanehill.com/vibrate-higher

Revibe and Unleash 121 90 day intensive >> https://www.emilyjanehill.com/revibeunleash

emily hill